Book Review: The Cloudburst by Rajesh Naiksatam

Title: The Cloudburst

Author: Rajesh Naiksatam

Pages: 178

About the author: I really tend to read the preface, prologue and about the author before I start the book. I truly believe that the author's background/nature has a lot to do with how the story shapes up. Either the story is a spin off from one of the incidents in the author's life or the etching of characters largely depends on his ability to observe people in his real life.
In this case, the author Rajesh Naiksatam suffered a serious injury from a javenile throw in his childhood. Although he was lucky that it wasn't a grievous injury as it was misguided, but it left him a half inch deep hip wound. This incident made him courageous enough to face every challenge in life.

The book: The protagonist Ganpu is a courageous kid who is ready to fight every challenge.
As the title suggests, this story is about a natural calamity. Mumbai rains are notorious and can cause havoc in daily lives.
This story is about fifteen year old Ganpu who moves to Mumbai with his parents after their ancestral home and property is taken over by America's Enrone Corporation. They move to the city of dreams Mumbai to seek justice. Meanwhile Ganpu's parents open up a tea stall to earn their daily bread and butter.
This story is about the time when a slight drizzle turns into a torrential downpour. People of vastly different backgrounds and ethnicities seek refuge under Ganpu's little tea stall.
The kids are separated from their parents and there is no way they can contact them as the rain gets even more intense.

Will these children survive? Will Ganpu's courage and determination be able to protect the lives of his 'guests'?

This story is about courage and determination and never losing hope.

What I loved about this book: Apart from the fact that this story is about being optimistic and looking at the brighter side of life, the characters are very well etched and described. From the colour and size of bindis to their figures, the description will lead to floating of pictures in front of you. Very well written.


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